Is it really better in the buff?

Want to lose weight? Suffering from arthritis, asthma, acne, cancer? Concerned about the welfare of animals? How about people? Local Economy? The Environment? Good, then you're in the right place to make a difference.

Personally, I have a rabid passion for environmental conservation and sustainability, optimum mental, physical, and spiritual health, animal rights, and human rights, so the answer is clear: plant-based, organic foods.

Others out there may simply want to improve their dietary choices to combat chronic illness or to lose weight, or contribute less to environmental degradation, or maybe you just have an emotional attachment to cows. ;) In these cases, you may be satisfied with making minor changes to your grocery list, and so this blog can be a tool for a reformation, rather than a total transformation. Great!

Either way, I am here to assist you and guide you along your journey to a healthier you! This blog has something for everyone, even the die-hard omnivore, because even meat-eaters like the occasional vegetable.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Better in the Buff

So maybe now you're wondering what the point of this blog is. Well, I don't know. Maybe its purpose will unfold as it evolves. In the meantime, I can tell you what MY point is; WHY I decided to go raw and, in doing so, I will share with you the physiological, environmental, ethical, sociological, and economic impacts of food choices, through facts, figures and links to reliable (or at least logically convincing) resources, as well as (here's the best part) RECIPES.

As I venture into raw foodism, I will be experimenting with an array of new (to me) foods and preparation techniques...the best of which will be posted with my reviews of the results. So, that's useful, right? At this point, I would also like to welcome (constructive) criticism, (productive) comments, (informed) suggestions, and questions, questions, questions! I love helping people achieve healthy lifestyles...LOVE it, so indulge me. :) I think, for me, this blog is an avenue to consolidated research for people like myself, who are seeking all the answers in one place. I'll do the research, you reap the benefits. Deal?

Personally, I have a rabid passion for environmental conservation and preservation, optimum health, animal rights, and human rights, so the answer is clear: Raw foods. Others out there may simply want to improve their dietary choices to combat chronic illness or to lose weight, or contribute less to environmental degradation, or maybe you just have an emotional attachment to cows. ;) In these cases, you may be satisfied with making minor changes to your grocery list, and so this blog can be a tool for a reformation, rather than a total transformation. Great!

My ultimate goal is to maintain a 90% raw food diet (because food is better nude!), while still enjoying the occasional cooked (yet healthy vegetarian) meal. Sure, I want to reduce my carbon footprint, free factory farmed animals, promote the basic rights of all human beings, and feel good, but let's be honest, we'd all like to look better in the buff.

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