Is it really better in the buff?

Want to lose weight? Suffering from arthritis, asthma, acne, cancer? Concerned about the welfare of animals? How about people? Local Economy? The Environment? Good, then you're in the right place to make a difference.

Personally, I have a rabid passion for environmental conservation and sustainability, optimum mental, physical, and spiritual health, animal rights, and human rights, so the answer is clear: plant-based, organic foods.

Others out there may simply want to improve their dietary choices to combat chronic illness or to lose weight, or contribute less to environmental degradation, or maybe you just have an emotional attachment to cows. ;) In these cases, you may be satisfied with making minor changes to your grocery list, and so this blog can be a tool for a reformation, rather than a total transformation. Great!

Either way, I am here to assist you and guide you along your journey to a healthier you! This blog has something for everyone, even the die-hard omnivore, because even meat-eaters like the occasional vegetable.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 9 - Raw Pad Thai

Back to the grind today.  The day consisted of the usual: fresh fruit, nuts, raw snack bars, and water, until...

I decided to whip up some raw pad thai on a whim!

Inspired by some of the raw creations I've tasted over the past few days, I thought I might up the competition for the chefs at Greenlife by creating my own version of their lack-luster rendition of one of my favorite dishes.

Between classes, I swung by the store for some supplies:

Kelp Noodles
Grated Carrots
Red Bell Pepper
Green Bell Pepper
Green Onions

I took my treasures home, tossed them in some raw almond sauce (which I made up as I went along)...

And THIS was the result:

After dinner, Emma and I decided to try our luck at some homemade raw, vegan chocolate ice cream (which is audibly churning in the freezer as I type this), spiced up with a handful of raw, sweetened cacao nibs. I didn't take any pictures of the process, since it was our first attempt and we lacked organization.  But pictures of the finished product will follow!!!

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