It's time to unveil the grand plan to get you feeling, and looking, your best!
Can 10 days really make a difference? Absolutely! In just 10 days, your body can flush out impurities and toxins that slow your metabolism, back up your digestive tract, cloud your thinking, wreak havoc on your skin, contribute to insomnia, trigger unhealthy cravings, and sap you of energy. In just 10 days, you can jump-start your body's natural ability to cleanse itself, shed unwanted (unhealthy) weight, seek healthy physical outlets, and crave life-giving foods. A 10-Day detox is safe and effective. It's not a fast, it's not a diet, and it's not a fad. If done well, a 10-day detox may ignite a passion for healthy foods and activities that remain a permanent part of your regimen.
Why Detox?
Our bodies are exposed to all sorts of pollutants, from all sorts of sources - from environmental toxins in our air and water, and contaminants in our food, to genetically modified food, processed "food," and conscious abuses we perpetrate on ourselves (cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, drugs, etc). While our bodies were designed for the elimination of toxins, via the miraculous liver, there is only so much it can do! Our livers are the "waste treatment" plant of our endocrine system - everything that enters our body is processed in the liver. Sadly, while our bodies have not evolved much over the centuries, society has, thanks to the Industrial Revolution. And with that has come an increased assault on our bodies from an astronomical and exponential increase in toxins, and a reduction in nutritious foods and physical activity.
Eating healthy and exercising all the time isn't always practical in our industrialized society. Unfortunately, our food system has made available synthetic imitations of food that are very cheap, easy, and convenient (economically efficient and rational), while our economic system has made it difficult for the vast majority of Americans to afford the good, "real" food. We are faced with a lot of daily demands: school, work, family, household chores, bills, debts, etc. and our fast-paced lives require fast food, cheap. Our basic needs often go unattended. For most of us, then, an occasional cleanse of our life support system is crucial.
While a detox won't "fix what ails you," on a long-term or permanent basis, it's a good start and, at the very least, gives your poor liver a rest. It's up to you whether you choose to incorporate or adopt the changes you've made beyond the 10-day period, and that WILL change, and possibly save, your life.
What to Expect
- Increased Energy
- Restful Sleep
- Need for Less Sleep
- Increased Memory
- Reduced "Brain Fog"
- Clearer Skin, including Acne, Eczema, and Psoriasis
- Brighter Eyes and a Healthy Glow
- Reduced Pain Associated with Arthritis
- Reduced Indigestion
- Reduced "Bad" Cravings (Sugar, Caffeine, Animal Protein, Salt)
- Increased Desire for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
- Increased Sex Drive (and Increased Stamina)
- Weight Loss
What Not to Expect
This is not a diet. The purpose of a cleanse, or detoxification, is not weight loss. Your goal is to purify the blood, liver, and skin by enjoying vibrant, fresh, whole, alkalizing foods that come from nature and are a necessary, but forgotten, component of the natural human diet. Our bodies NEED fresh fruits and vegetables, EVERY day, to achieve optimal functionality. In fact, that's just about ALL our bodies need. Throw in a few nuts, seeds, and a lot of water, and you're looking at the template of what was intended by nature.
Will you lose weight? Yes. That is, if you have weight to lose. The Macrobiotic theory asserts that when the human body is fed its natural diet, it will take its natural form - whether that be large or small - people come in all shapes and sizes, before diet is factored in. During this (or any other detox), you will lose some initial water weight, assuming you follow a fairly standard diet (which includes a good bit of sodium) most of the time. This can be both encouraging and discouraging, because while we all love seeing the numbers on our bathroom scales decrease, you will hit an inevitable plateau toward the end of the cleanse. If you revert to your old habits and the Standard American Diet (SAD), which is heavily meat-based, supplemented with pre-packaged, processed foods high in sodium, sugar, saturated and trans fats, you will gain your water weight back rapidly, and then some (plus all the toxins you just eliminated). However, if you choose to stay on this path, or one closely related, you will either continue to lose weight until you reach your natural form, or you may already be there, and be able to maintain your fitness by maintaining your new healthy habits.
I will be following up, later this evening, with a comprehensive list of foods to avoid and foods to enjoy, to assist you when you're making your grocery shopping list for this weekend. Additionally, there will be links to resources that may be of interest to you (within this blog), including:
- the difference between "good" fat and "bad" fat
- the best plant-based sources of essential macro- and micronutrients (the 6 Basic Nutrients)
- the protein myth
- recipes
...and much more!
Get pumped about plants!
Peace, Love, and Veggies
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