Is it really better in the buff?

Want to lose weight? Suffering from arthritis, asthma, acne, cancer? Concerned about the welfare of animals? How about people? Local Economy? The Environment? Good, then you're in the right place to make a difference.

Personally, I have a rabid passion for environmental conservation and sustainability, optimum mental, physical, and spiritual health, animal rights, and human rights, so the answer is clear: plant-based, organic foods.

Others out there may simply want to improve their dietary choices to combat chronic illness or to lose weight, or contribute less to environmental degradation, or maybe you just have an emotional attachment to cows. ;) In these cases, you may be satisfied with making minor changes to your grocery list, and so this blog can be a tool for a reformation, rather than a total transformation. Great!

Either way, I am here to assist you and guide you along your journey to a healthier you! This blog has something for everyone, even the die-hard omnivore, because even meat-eaters like the occasional vegetable.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hungry? Eat more fat. Seriously.

By day three of a detox, your body may start questioning your actions and motives.  If you typically eat a diet heavy in starches, sugars, fats, or sodium, switching to whole foods may leave you feeling a little less than satisfied.  This is totally normal; days 2 and 3 are usually the "hardest" hump to get over - you may even find yourself craving foods you've never even craved before, or don't particularly care for!

If this describes how you're feeling today (or tomorrow), you probably need more fat.  Instead of giving into the urge to tear into a bag of potato chips or a snickers bar, turn your focus to foods like avocados, coconut, and nuts.  The Sweet Buzz is a great smoothie for when you're feeling "famished," if you haven't tried it already.

Also, treat yourself to larger portions of whole grains - like brown rice and quinoa, because they will help you feel full longer.  Don't be afraid to eat; remember, we're not counting calories.  EAT EAT EAT.

Here is a great new recipe from Dr. Fuhrman that is "Detox-approved," minus the non-dairy cheese (you can try it with cheese next time).

Eggplant Roll Ups
Serves: 5   Preparation Time: 15 minutes


2 large eggplants,peeled and sliced lengthwise 1/2 inch thick
2-3 tablespoons water
2 medium red bell peppers,seeded and coarsely chopped
1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
1 cup chopped carrots
1/2 cup chopped celery
4 cloves garlic, chopped
8 ounces baby spinach
1 tablespoon Sea Vegetable Flakes (kelp, dulse, etc)
2 cups no salt added or low sodium pasta sauce, divided
6 ounces nondairy mozzarella-type cheese, divided

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly oil a non-stick baking pan. Arrange eggplant in a single layer in the pan. Bake about 20 minutes or until eggplant is flexible enough to roll up easily. Set aside.

Heat 2 tablespoons water in a large pan, add the bell pepper, onion, celery, and garlic; saute until just tender, adding more water if needed. Add the spinach and VegiZest and cook until spinach is wilted.

Transfer to a mixing bowl. Mix in 2 to 3 tablespoons of the pasta sauce and all of the shredded cheese. Spread about 1/4 cup of the pasta sauce in a baking pan. Put some of the vegetable mixture on each eggplant slice, roll up and place in a pan. Pour the remaining sauce over the eggplant rolls. Bake for 20-30 minutes, until heated through.

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